The first-ever South Africa-Zimbabwe Business Expo is set to bring together captains of industry, businesspeople, and government officials in a landmark event aimed at strengthening economic Ces and encouraging investment back home.
With South Africa being home to over a million Zimbabweans, many of whom are eager to invest in their country of origin, this event will serve as a crucial eye-opener for diaspora entrepreneurs seeking opportuniCes in various sectors.
The expo, scheduled for 24 May 2025 at the Gallagher ConvenCon Centre in Midrand South Africa, will provide a plaOorm for Zimbabwean businesspeople in that country to engage with key stakeholders, learn about investment opportuniCes, and gain insights into how they can contribute to Zimbabwe’s economic growth. From agriculture and manufacturing to real estate, mining, and tourism, the event will showcase the numerous possibiliCes available for diaspora investors.
Event organisers Zimbabweans in the Diaspora OrganisaCon chief execuCve officer Blessed Kapesa emphasised the importance of Zimbabweans abroad playing an acCve role in rebuilding the country’s economy.
“This expo is not just about business; it’s about economic empowerment. Zimbabweans in South Africa have the potenCal to drive significant investment back home. They just need the right informaCon and a clear path to do so,” Kapesa said.
He highlighted the long-term benefits of invesCng back home, including job creaCon, economic development, and an improved standard of living for Zimbabweans.
“When the diaspora invests in Zimbabwe, they are not just growing their own businesses; they are creaCng employment, boosCng industries, and contribuCng to the overall development of the country. The ripple effects are massive—more jobs mean more stable communiCes, beYer infrastructure, and a stronger economy,” he added.
For many Zimbabweans in South Africa, concerns about the business environment in Zimbabwe have o7en been a barrier to investment. However, this expo aims to address those concerns by providing direct engagement with government officials, financial insCtuCons, and successful investors who have already established thriving businesses in Zimbabwe.
“There are many misconcepCons about invesCng in Zimbabwe, but the truth is, there are countless opportuniCes for those who are willing to take the step. This event will provide clarity, answer key quesCons, and help our people make informed decisions,” Kapesa said.
As Zimbabwe conCnues its drive toward economic revitalisaCon, diaspora investment is expected to play a key role in acceleraCng growth across mulCple sectors.
The South Africa-Zimbabwe Business Expo marks the beginning of a new chapter in diaspora engagement, ensuring that Zimbabweans abroad are not just spectators but acCve parCcipants in the naCon’s progress.
Join us for an unforgettable business experience, and let’s unlock Zimbabwe’s trade and investment potential together!